Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I got a job!

All of life's stresses are now temporarily over. School is over, my marks were decent, though I was hoping for a bit better, but the hardest classes were the ones I did the best in so that makes me happy.

I got a job today too! I am now the secretary at St Andrew's Cathedral Office. I start tomorrow. I am very excited at this new opportunity to learn the inner workings of a parish office, plus this is the sort of stuff I'm good at. It is kind of awkward, though, when one of your friends also applies for the job and they don't get it. But I must praise God for this! And thanks to St Joseph the Worker for the intercession (I don't think it's a coincidence I found out I got the job last night on the feast of St Joseph the Worker).

So, now I have a steady income and a steady work schedule. I have been asked to step down from my Sacristan position as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (I like giving him a hard time) says he doesn't want me working at the Cathedral 7 days a week. So I do get my weekends off after all. What will I do with all this free time? I don't know. But I have a job, I have everything that is needed, and God's time is definitely not my time, because I was getting all worried and it all worked out perfectly.

It is also rare I have come to find from talking to other people for a University student to have a job immediately out of university. One of my friends took 6 months to get a job! The job market is that sucky. So I am very blessed with a steady job, one that I like to boot, and it's at the Church, which makes getting to morning Mass that much easier before work.

I'll be able now to focus on God more without the distraction of an unbalanced school schedule, and will be able to starting posting on my blog more.

We started our Theology of the Body night last night at College and Career and it went really well!

God is so good, praise be given to His Name!!



DP said...

I am not the secretary at St Andrew's Cathedral Office

So if you're not the secretary at St. Andrew's Cathedral Office, does that mean you're the slave? :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, H.!

All in the right time and in the right way.

Anonymous said...

I am NOW the secretary at St Andrew's Cathedral Office....?

Harrison said...

Thanks Peanut Gallery for your comments :P....

I have changed it.


Matthew said...


I received your blog's url from a fellow blogger that said you are discerning a religious vocation. I'm a planning on starting a group blog for people that are discerning vocations. Since you are discerning a religious vocation, I was wondering if you would be interested in participating in a group blog for people that are discerning religious vocations.

Please visit my blog for more information and let me know.


God Bless