Friday, May 19, 2006

Maximus the Confessor on Love

I am currently reading "Cosmic Litury: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor" by Hans Urs Von Balthasar. It's very good and have been seeing a great many links between Maximus, Balthasar, and B16.

The big link I saw was a passage on love that I just though "Deus Caritas Est"...

God is the one who scatters the seeds of agape (charity) and
eros (yearning), for He has brought these things that were within Him
outside Himself in the act of creation. that is why we read, "God is
love", and in the Song of Songs He is called agape, and also "sweetneess" and
"desire", which are what eros means. For He is the One who is truly
loveable and desirable. Because this loving desire has flowed out of Him,
He-its creator-is said to be Himself in love; but insofar as He is Himself the
One who is truly loveable and desirable, He moves everything that looks toward
Him and that possesses, in its own way, the power of yearning.

Pretty cool and heavy stuff, definitely worth contemplating in prayer. Definitely B16 worthy.


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