Monday, July 02, 2007

In Beautiful Krakow!

Hi Everyone!

Well, I have some interesting stuff that happened to me!

First, I did not fall asleep last night. I couldn't sleep. I guess I didn't adjust as well as I thought to the timezones. This is good though because the front desk never did give me the wake up call I was expecting at 4am, so it must have been the hand of providence that ensured I didn't sleep.

So I go downstairs to pay and found out that my card is declined. He tried a second time and the same thing happened again! Needless to say, I was freaking out. So I went to a bank machine, and it wouldn't let me take that amount out of my Visa card. So I took the money from my bank account and am going to have to get a hold of my parents to see if they can temporarily put $500 in my this has caused great distress and no access to funds for me. God has and will provide. Weird thing is that to pay for my ticekt on the Gatwich Express, I tried my Visa and it worked! Very odd indeed. I will be making a call to my Visa company. I am not happy to say the least as I put almost all my funds on my Visa (easier to use, and cheaper). I pray that I WILL have access to them.

I have a feeling they may have put a security freeze on it for the large deposit I just made for the houses we are renting for the Eucharistic Congress.

Anyways, I get to the airport and see a MASSIVE line for baggage drop. Thankfully I got in in time, but am happy I didn't leave any later! I didn't expect that kind of line up!

So then it is through the security check. I have to give them my ticket and they take my picture for their database, I then have to put my bag through the normal x-ray thing, walk through the metal detector, get frisked, and then put my shoes through an x-ray machine! Needless to say, it makes flying rather....annoying and not worth doing.

So I got on the plane and promptly passed out. Finally, some sleep! I arrived at the Priory at about 12pm local time (3am PST). The schedule looks out of this world! Unfortunately it seems that Michale Novak is not here this year, I was looking forward to meeting him.

Tonight we start off with an opening lecture my George Weigel, followed by Mass and then dinnner at 7:30pm. I am thinking I might go hit a McDonald's or something as I haven't had anything to eat since Lunch yesterday.

So that has been my interesting day. I'm going to go get some food and take a nap!

God Bless!


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