Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday, July 15th

So today was an incredibely relaxing day.

I started the day off with Mass at the English Parish which is only a 5 minute walk from the Priory. Fr. Williams, LC, gave an excellent homily about the need for simplicity in love in how we deal with our neighbours. After Mass I came back, changed, and went for lunch with Nick, who is a Seminarian at the North American College in Rome. It was a very nice lunch at a great Italian place here. The funny thing from lunch was that a bird pooped on my head (we were sitting outside in the square).

I came back, washed my hair, and subsequently read articles and books for about 5 hours straight, with a 20 minute nap in there. It was VERY nice. I read a review of BXVI's book Jesus of Nazereth from First Things that Fr. Williams wanted my opinion on, and, to say the least, it was a horrible review and the reviewer totally missed the point of the book.

At 7:30 I went for a glass of wine with a couple of the students and then went for dinner with Steve, Bracey, and Nick at a great restaurant here in Krakwo. Nick, Steve, and myself were out until 2am this morning discussing things and enjoying Polish beer. It was a good time.

The weather today was also really awesome, though incredibely hot, but such is life. I am now going to run to bed because I have to be up in less then 6 hours.

God bless


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